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What gives you the goosebumps?

Ok so I know inspiration is not all about the goosbumps and you might think Im strange but I get the goosebumps watching AGT or the Voice.  It’s not always about the talent or the voice. It’s when someone walks in hardly believing in their ability and the cheering crowd or the judges are stunned by them. They tear up. They are not use to someone speaking positive things over them. I remember when Kodi Lee came out on stage with his mom. Everyone was kind because they could see his obvious handicaps. They sat this amazing autistic and blind boy down to the piano and to be truthful I wasn’t expecting much and even more I was praying it wouldn’t be a disaster and hurt him. Everyone was cheering him on. Here's the thing; encouragement didn’t start there. His mom and family had obviously been encouraging him in his journey all along. There was a long pause, that felt like forever and then…. He began to shock the world. My heart leaped up into my mouth, holding back the tears.  He was incredible. Not incredible for his disabilities, he was just incredible. His mom was right there with him. Can you imagine her dedication, and encouragement. The encouragement of that family helped Kodi shock the world. Check out the video below for Kodi's world shocking performance.

THINK: Take a minute.

  • Who has been a great encouragement to you?
  • What was it that they did that encouraged you so much?
  • How can you repeat the experience for someone else? 


REFLECT: Quotes     

  •  The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.- Chareles Schwab

  • Nine Tenths of Educations is encouragement.- Antole France

  • Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.- Robert Martin 

ACTIVATE:  Here is your simple challenge. ·       

  • Encourage someone today. Maybe its your husband or your wife or your kids or just someone you know. Sit them down, look them right in the eyes and begin to encourage them. Don’t let awkwardness interrupt. Make their day, their month and even there year… ok you get it.    


  • help me be the encouragement today that propels someone to shock the world.
  • Let me be the very inspiration that I need.
  • I declare that as I encourage others I will in turn be encouraged.  

1 Thess 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 

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