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        My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was so excited to be a part of “Showdown 79”.  I was around 12 years old. It was a Sunday school challenge contest. You had to read bible stories during the week and a panel of a few brave kids would compete and answer questions.  Whoever was in charge really did it up well with lights and electronic buzzers. It was set up like a hockey game. First period, second, third, face-offs and shootouts. The scriptures I memorized and the bible stories I explored stuck with me. It changed the bible for me from a black text on a white page to adventuring through the greatest stories ever told. This experience discipled me. It brought something alive in me that I didn’t have before. That’s the key with Spiritual Formation or any formation for that matter. Something coming alive in you that you didn’t have before. 

 THINK: Think for a few minutes about an experience you’ve had that changed you. It brought something alive. It could have been a camping trip or a photography class or even a movie that inspired you to try something new that led to a lifetime of adventure. 

What has stuck with you from that adventure?

Why do you think it impacted you that much?  

What one think that you can reapply to your life from this experience?

REFLECT: Reflect on these quotes.

  • “Discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you.”―Dallas Willard
  • “Christian discipleship is a decision to walk in his ways, steadily and firmly, and then finding that the way integrates all our interests, passions, and gifts, our human needs and eternal aspirations. It is the way of life we were created for.”― Eugene H. Peterson  

ACTIVATE:  Adventure is key in life. Adventure usually has a destination in mind but often fades in importance compared to the experience of the journey and the skills and passions you pick up along the way.

  • Be intentional to stop and look around being sensitive to something “God made” or “man made”. Let the awe of the small things return.  Focus for a few seconds on what the Holy Spirit is drawing your attention to.
  • Whether with a friend or family member, adventure is always better side by side.  God calls us to come adventure with him side by side today.  

PRAY / COMMIT: “Father God, I am ready to go on a new adventure with you. Help me to slow down and even stop, walking side by side with you in Spiritual Formation.  “You make the path of life known to me. Complete joy is in your presence. Pleasures are by your side forever.” Psalms 16:11 GW

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