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The Devo:

Roman’s 12:9-10 “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

The key to walking in honour is letting love lead.


When we allow envy or jealousy, mistrust or paranoia to lead, it always takes us into dishonour. To honour someone does not mean they are perfect in any way. The mistake we often make is looking for someone who is worthy of our honour, when we can not even live up to those requirements ourselves. If being worthy was the reason we honour, we would not find many to fill those shoes.

To honour someone is to recognize they were created by God and are worthy of love.

Romans teaches us to let love be genuine. When you are struggling to honour someone, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with love for them. We are asked in the same scripture to supply brotherly affection for each other, but without being filled with genuine love from the Father, even that will be a struggle.

This scripture encourages us to outdo one another in showing honour. Honour is not a feeling; it is a choice that is demonstrated through an action.

Although it always starts in the heart, it ends in an action.

If we lead with envy or anger or any of the fruit of an orphan spirit, the actions that follow are always dishonouring and selfish. However, when our hearts are filled with genuine love from the Father, the action that follows is honour.

Finally, 1 Peter 2:7 clears up the question of who we should honour. It says Honour everyone. Honour is not an upward notion, where we only honour our bosses, those in authority over us, or teachers. Position, rank, and authority are not the reasons we honour; we honour everyone. We may struggle to honour some, but we can always find value if we look deep enough.

Just remember: you are not looking for perfection but looking to let love lead you and love will always find something to honour.

Honour is an action that is fuelled from the genuine love of the Father. Get filled up, so you can give out.

Questions to Ponder:

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind someone you are struggling to honour.
  2. Ask Him to reveal if you are holding onto unforgiveness. If so, release them.
  3. Ask the Father to fill you with His love for them. Ask Him what He thinks of them (if negative things come to mind, it is probably how you feel about them. Return to step two). You may need to sit in this place for a while being filled and filled with the Father’s genuine love for them.

Now go "outdo" yourself with the action of giving them a word of encouragement that incorporates what the Father thinks of them.

Fasting: Take a minute to consider and ask Holy Spirit if you will fast this week?

  1. What will you fast? Will it be food, entertainment, coffee, sugar,  etc. Remember, fasting isnt meant to be easy.
  2. When will you fast? Will it be one day a week or mulitple days. Will it be for example once a week for the month of January or for example one full week of no coffee.
  3.  It's important to remember that fasting without focused prayer is not hitting its purpose. To fast without prayer is just dieting. 


I love and honor people well. Every person is powerful, valuable, and significant because we are all made in God's image.

 Prophetic Postcards: Category=Send this to a Church friend

1. Pick one of the Postcards. 2. Ask Holy Spirit who this is for? 3. Look at the card and ask Holy Spirit for a prophetic word (from God's heart) or a word of encouragement for them (from your heart). 4. Right click on the image, download to your pictures. 5. Text or email the picture to them with your word. 



New: Extra bible Reading. 

Click below or open your bible to read these scriptures to see who and what we are told to honour. 

Rev 4:11, Ex 20:12, Lev 19:32, 1Peter 2:17, 1Tim 5:17, Phil 2:25-30, Ex 20:8-11, Heb 13:4

Prayer Video (1 min): Find a quiet place to play the video below. Ask the father to fill you with His love so you can pour out honour today. 

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